
Eco-Green 70 series pressure washers | Mankato, MN | Skarpohl Pressure Washer Sales Inc | 507-625-2844

Reduce your carbon footprint today.

Go green with new pressure washers that pay for themselves!

Eco-Green 70 series pressure washers | Mankato, MN | Skarpohl Pressure Washer Sales Inc | 507-625-2844

Buy a pressure washer that pays for itself.

  • 96-98% Efficient
  • 35-38% Less Fuel
  • Reduced Installation Cost

a pressure washer that leaves our world a little cleaner.

When you buy a pressure washer from the Eco-Green 70 Series, you'll reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your emissions. By reducing your emissions, you'll be working in a cleaner environment.

Contact Skarpohl Pressure Washer Services today for a free demonstration.


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